Hi there, I'm Lauren. I live in Sterling, MA, with my husband two kids and a dog (Hugo is the most spoiled one in the family and if you follow me on social media you will get to know him). I fell into photography years ago when my husband bought me my first DSLR camera. Since then I have been soaking up as much knowledge as I can with classes and workshops and youtube of course. I have since upgraded from that camera and added lots of other equipment to my stock. 

Besides photography, I enjoy reading but usually do audio books because I don't have time to sit and read. I love tv and movies, Marvel movies are my favorite! I have recently taken up mountain biking and love it! Cooking and baking make me happy. I am an extrovert and love entertaining and hanging with friends.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to get a personal look at my work and some of the silly life stuff too. Also, sign up for my email list, that's where I announce sales first and do most of the giveaways!
If you enjoy my work and would like to book a session head over to the Book Now page. Have questions for me, follow this link to the Inquire page.

I can't wait to photograph you!